Discover Wonder Reader:

braille literacy for all

An accessible companion for the visually impaired in today’s digital spaces.

Who we've worked with

Google Developer Student Clubs Mitra Netra Foundation Google Binus University

What is Wonder Reader all about?


Accessing the digital world can be difficult.

This is especially the case for the visually impaired. Especially for those that are dependent on braille-based tech.


Introducing Wonder Reader!

A braille keyboard built to access your phone or laptop, allowing both reading and writing in braille!


Promoting braille literacy in remote areas.

With (_) cells and new systems that allow for quick and affordable utility, using braille has never been easier!


Proudly made in Indonesia. For Indonesia.

Proudly produced in Indonesia, our aim at Wonder Reader is to create a tool that absolutely everybody can use, learn and grow with.

Read and write braille anywhere, anytime.

Wonder Reader Device

To Read

Reading with a Braille keyboard is advantageous for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. It promotes independence, literacy, and efficiency, providing a private means of communication.

To Write

Writing on a Braille keyboard is crucial for the blind. It enhances educational and employment prospects, aids navigation, and integrates with technology through Braille displays.

Watch Wonder Reader in Action!

Jason Christian Hailianto

Jason Christian Hailianto

Jason Jeremy Wijadi

Jason Jeremy Wijadi

Philipus Adriel Tandra

Philipus Adriel Tandra

Aric Hernando

Aric Hernando

Timotius Ariel Tandra

Timotius Ariel Tandra

The Wonder Reader Team